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About Startup Jedi

Friday, February 5, 2021

Startup Jedi

We talk to startups and investors, you get the value.

Startup Jedi is a bilingual media about startups, venture capital investments and product development. The project appeared as an element of the Rocket DAO ecosystem.

What is Rocket DAO

Rocket DAO is a digital venture ecosystem consisting of several elements working in an indissoluble interconnection with each other.

Startup Jedi

Media about startups, venture investments, venture market trends and product development. We communicate with funders, investors and representatives of venture funds, conduct researches, prepare reviews of big deals, and write high-quality educational materials for entrepreneurs and investors.

Facts and figures:

  • 350 000+ views of our articles per month
  • 30% monthly growth
  • 20 authors and vloggers
  • 200+ publications in 2 languages: Russian and English
  • 60+ videos
  • 4 regional partners: in Russia, Cyprus, Ukraine
  • 7 social networks (including TikTok — because we believe on the power of video-format)
  • Our readers: IT specialists, startups, investors, VC representatives from Belarus, the USA, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Armenia
  • 25–34 years — the average age of our audience (more than 40% of readers)
  • Geography of readers: Russia (29%), USA (13%), Belarus (12%), Ukraine (11%), Cyprus (5.5%), Kazakhstan (3.2%), UK (2%)
  • 67.7% of readers are men

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Founders Club

A community of startup founders (obviously). Here we help Pre-Seed / Seed startups get prepared for the raising rounds, track their progress on a monthly basis, and conduct mentorship sessions. The best projects get to investors from our

Founders Club in number for today:

  • 250 founders from the CIS region in our network
  • 5 projects evaluated by VC analysts
  • investments already raised for 6 projects — in total, this is about $400 000

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International investment club of business angels and early-stage VC funds:

  • 130+ participants from Belarus, Russia, USA, Ukraine, Holland, China, Great Britain, Turkey-among them: 80+ angels, 50+ venture funds (more than 50 of their representatives), 8 representatives of various angel networks, 4 accelerators.

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This is a marketplace that we are creating to digitize the interactions between startups, investors, and experts.

Now you can find there:

  • 300 + startups;
  • 200 + experts;
  • and 150 + investors.

Contact —


Why Startup Jedi?

The project was created by a young, progressive team that saw the point in developing a niche narrow-focused media about the venture industry. We write only about technological projects and promising founders and investors, teach young entrepreneurs the basics of marketing, finance in a startup, legal nuances, and peculiarities of raising investments on different rounds.


To provide our readers with truthful and valuable information about the venture market, to teach and help them grow, to share and highlight trends and market events. We write with deep understanding of the topic, we work on the reliability of each thesis in our articles. The Rocket DAO ecosystem helps us at this point: we ourselves have experience in creating startups, our founder is an active business angel.


To prepare text & video materials on the topics highly relevant to the venture market with experts from different niches — in order to find answers to the questions of concern to startups, entrepreneurs and novice investors.


Startup Jedi publishes high-quality materials about:

  • Startups and success stories (but also failures) of their founders;
  • Investors, business angels and venture capital funds, accelerators and about the new opportunities available for startups;
  • Educational topics: marketing, sales, metrics, legal, PR, fundraising and other important areas for a startup;
  • News with an overview and analysis of the newest, greatest deals and events on the venture market;
  • Ecosystem and analysis of its elements in different countries, about interesting market trends;
  • Updates about the progress of the projects from our pipeline: sometimes it’s a pivot, but more often — about the investments raised;
  • Rocket DAO — many significant events are also happening in our ecosystem.

In order to cover these areas, we use several article formats:

  • Expert column: an article by a specialist with experience in the venture capital market;
  • Longread: helps to dive into the details, while maintaining the reader’s interest from the title to the last paragraph;
  • An article on a niche topic: helps to understand important points and study the real use cases;
  • Interviews: with insights from founders and investors, experts and representatives of accelerators; these are also longreads, but they are dedicated to one person or one company and their experience, relevant to our readers;
  • News: we prepare overviews of the biggest deals and give our comments to them, it is important that both we and our readers stay up to date with market trends;
  • Short videos: allow us to learn new things in a new way — on the go!


Respect the reader. We strive to achieve maximum convenience for the reader: everything should be clear, interesting and useful.

Objectivity and accuracy. When preparing for the interview, as well as before the release of materials, we check the information so that it is accurate, and all the names are transmitted correctly.

Quality and value. Our materials are proofread lengthwise and crosswise before publication. We do our work with the soul, not for show.

Balance and impartiality. We strive to present different points of view on a particular problem. The heroes of our interviews have different views, and the authors of publications (interviewers) do not impose their point of view on either the heroes or the reader.

Openness and honesty. We do not hesitate to admit our mistakes and do not withhold important information.

Continuous development. We appreciate the contribution and personality of each team member, we are open to new ideas and move forward together.


Stay tuned and don’t forget to follow us:





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