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Today Belarus is more often seen as a “Silicon Valley” of Eastern Europe.
23 Dec 2021
After the new release we contacted Yury Shalaganov, the founder of EduDo, to be the first to tell you about the changes in the project.
20 Dec 2021
We will talk about how FinTech startups make the life of bank customers easier and which technologies have the greatest impact on the develo
1 Dec 2021
An interview with Intimatica, a startup dedicated to sex education among teenagers and their parents.
15 Oct 2021
The founders of the startup talk about how the app was created and how the product helps to solve the problem of advertising inefficiency.
Veronica Shendo, the UX / UI manager at Blink agency, shared the best approach to building your brand and doing design
27 Jul 2021
Talking with the founder and owner of Powercode Vladislav Savchenko.
26 Jul 2021
How simple and user-friendly service helps to organize working time remotely
6 Jul 2021
Dmitry Machulin tells about the creation and development of Beyond Esports
18 May 2021
Talk about a fitness app with an unusual story and an unconventional approach.
16 Apr 2021
Gurucan CEO Timur Chernenko spoke about his product, their plans and the future of online education.
23 Mar 2021
Co-founders of Streamers Vitaliy Popkov and Dmitriy Fedorov on their project.
2 Mar 2021
VC Mobile App, Tinder for Funds: How AIRR is Transforming the Traditionally Conservative Private Equity Industry
17 Feb 2021
Kazakhstan HR startup reduces lost profit of the companies by 10–15%.
12 Feb 2021
Talked to the СЕО of the TeenUP startup about project's development.
5 Feb 2021
Talking about creation and promotion of the OpenBussiness startup.
28 Jan 2021
Telling about a startup with more than 40 mentors on topics of self-development, business processes, marketing, branding, finance and more.
Talked to the destream startup's team about their development plans and plans on raising investments.
23 Dec 2020
Revealing all the secrets of PharmBonus MedTech startup.
Learned about the uniqueness of the project and what investors they are interested in.
23 Nov 2020
Talked to the Lingvanex startup CEO about the story and uniqueness of the project.
19 Nov 2020
Talked with a startup founder about the features of the project.
12 Nov 2020
About a virtual user tamagotchi avatar that can be made happy with simple actions in the real world.
5 Nov 2020
Talked about the essence of such business with startup CEO Boris Faktorovich.
30 Oct 2020
Roman Chistyakov, the founder of the project, shares his insights about the real estate market.
20 Oct 2020
Alexey Minchuk, CEO of FASOL “musical gym” talked about his startup's development.
9 Oct 2020
CEO of the team tells us about the product’s peculiarities and perspectives of project's continuous growth.
14 Sep 2020
Salary2Me is a solution which helps to build careers and teams. Talked about the product and realization approaches.
3 Aug 2020
We learned from the team how they develop, what the victory in EMERGE CHALLENGE gave them and who the ideal investor for the startup is.
31 Jul 2020
Telling about how Human makes psychological help available to everyone.
24 Jul 2020
Telling about how EduDo - a platform for people who want to gain knowledge in various fields in the most convenient format, will work. 
20 Jul 2020
Natalia Vladimirova, CEO and startup co-founder, told us what the project is all about and how it is developing.
17 Jul 2020
Alexander Karpenko, one of the founders, told us how they created DealAPP startup.
10 Jul 2020
Misha Rudominsky, the CEO of the startup, told us what the product is about, how to produce high-quality devices and launch crowdfunding.
25 Jun 2020
Today we talked to the startup founders to find out what it’s like to work in such a complex niche.
17 Jun 2020
Vasiliy Yavorchuk, the CEO of the startup, tells us how they managed to create a solution for which customers come on their own.
29 May 2020
Kiril Sudibor, the founder of the startup, and Vadim Lopukhov, its CEO, tell us how the project works and where they got money
27 May 2020
PERK startup develops a universal platform for HRs, where they will be able to design a personalized bonus system for their employees.
14 May 2020
Sergey Gluhota, the founder and the CEO of the project, told us how the startup idea emerged, how it is realized and what it should look lik
6 May 2020
Kirill Rozhkovskiy told us how it feels to close two own startups and what changes are currently affecting the conference market in the USA
29 Apr 2020
Anna Rechnitskaya, Tap2Pay CMO, tells us how the service managed to become a partner of the largest European banks
9 Apr 2020
Automation of media plans, influencers' database, briefing tools and much more!
31 Mar 2020
Dmytro Soloduha, the founder and CEO of the startup, told us about the project, their progress and goals.
25 Mar 2020
Nikita Zabolotsky, the CTO of the team told about the main feature of the technology and the company’s plans for attracting investments.
17 Mar 2020
Egor Dubrovskiy, the founder of Filmustage, tells us about how the idea was born, what the concept is and where the project is now.
4 Mar 2020
The team of the startup told us about the company's strategy and its plans to attract investments.
2 Mar 2020
In a new interview of Startup Jedi, the CEO of CatZu tells us how the idea of the startup has appeared and what its peculiarity.
28 Feb 2020
The Cashew founder Vladimir Serzhanovich told us about the team that managed to achieve such success and plans for attracting investments.
26 Feb 2020
The creators of Quppy told Startup Jedi how the startup works and how the market met the solution.
24 Feb 2020
Andrey Fan, the founder of OneBar, told Startup Jedi what is the most difficult in the job and how to build a search in unstructured data.
17 Feb 2020
How does GamePad plan to make money, how does it work and what technical difficulties does the team have to solve - in our new interview!
24 Jan 2020
Today Sergey Ilyin, the CTO of Peerahna company, told us how the startup will work and what you need to know to launch a blockchain…
8 Jan 2020
Today we will tell about the Startup of the Day #13. WebTotem. It protects your websites and prevents attacks by providing total…
16 Dec 2019
Today we will tell you about a project that has recently joined the Rocket DAO platform, - COCOS - a b2b platform for the fashion industry.
11 Dec 2019
the The first-ever in the world audio application for yoga-practicing which uses neuro networks and computer vision technologies.
3 Dec 2019
Today let's talk about combining the mechanics of online games with offline objects.
30 Nov 2019
MobiWise solves all issues of traffic, monetization, statistics and conversion, offering content authors to make money on a turnkey basis.
20 Nov 2019
How did Payva team solve this problem and get excellent results?
25 Oct 2019
How to understand that pivot is needed? What does a startup get from membership in HTP? CEO ScootAPI shared his experience and vision
8 Oct 2019
CEO of Respeecher, Alexander Serdiuk, told us about his project
30 Sep 2019
Useful and harmful accelerators, Belarusian market and retail technologies - all about it in an interview with CEO of Get Outfit
12 Sep 2019
How to create a project on the base of new economy and to develop company, when you don't have any resources?
15 Aug 2019
People will stop clicking the links from the search results. Here is the "contributor" to the crisis - Parsers startup!
8 Aug 2019
Kirill Ilyichev, the project CMO says how to build a growth strategy in order to survive in terms of high popularity.
30 Jul 2019
Company's CEO Dmitry Dudin and Marketing manager Elena Barkovskaya share their insights and success secrets.
16 Jul 2019

More From Startup Jedi

New interview with the author of the financial model and risks evaluation methodologies on the Rocket DAO platform!