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How much is your startup worth? Pass the test!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

For any startup it is important to know how much its brainchild is worth and how to increase its cost. This information is necessary in order to attract investments by selling shares. If you already have cash flow, then there are numerous financial methods for evaluating your startup. In case there’s no cash flow yet, many non-financial approaches come into play. And each investor has his own method.

Startup Jedi

We talk to startups and investors, you get the value.

Aiming to somehow agree on how to properly evaluate a startup, the Rocket DAO project has brought together investment experts from most developed markets. In turn, they have developed their own approaches for evaluating startups.

Eventually, now you have 2 ways to find out the valuation of your project:

  1. Take a professional assessment on the Rocket DAO platform, get a clear understanding of your startup’s round and receive feedback from experts.

  2. And a shorter one: take this fun test, where you can get an approximate estimate of the valuation of your project quickly and free of charge.

Wait no more! The time to find out your value has come!

Ready? Let’s dive into the test!

Rocket DAO test

A few words about the test

The older startups’ generation has certainly watched a popular science-fiction film named “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”. Remember what is it about? The story tells us about a man looking for the answer to the main question of life, the universe and everything. The answer in this film was, quite frankly, unexpected — 42! Just 42. Just for you to know, it took more than 7 mln years in the movie to find this answer.

We have significantly reduced this period and changed — “How much is your startup worth?”. And the answer to the question was found to be more substantial. During the course of the dialogue, the Deep Thought analyzes the startup’s answers about its team, customers, innovative solutions, the relevance of the problem being solved, the stage of product development, industry, market maturity, intellectual property protection and many other important aspects that investors take into account while evaluating a startup. Answers to the questions will definitely please you. Check it out!

Start test

23 Oct 2019


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