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Caer Sidi announces partnership with pixEOS to change together the art experience of the future

Friday, May 1, 2020

Our portfolio project, Caer Sidi has some cool news to share! The startup works on uniting physical and digital entertainment content (or phygital merch) and recently attracted first investments - this way having gone through the whole cycle in our ecosystem: from mentoring and acceleration to fundraising.

With this very article we are going to start telling you more about all the great achievements of Caer Sidi on their way to success.

Startup Jedi

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PixEOS is an art technology company founded in November of 2018 with the goal to revolutionize the way the world perceives art. The main product of pixEOS is an art gallery that relies on a distributed ledger to solve the problems of the art-industry, such as lack of transparency, ownership, and provenance. The artist is able to issue an NFT (non-fungible token) and monetize the creations.

Teaming up with Caer Sidi, pixEOS extends its solutions to physical artworks (NFC kits for artists will be available for pre-order soon). This will allow physical art creators to issue not only a digital representation of their art but an immutable Certificate of Authenticity, and assure lifelong royalties from their artworks’ future sales. Together the companies are eager to develop and globally position the digitization and provenance of physical artworks.

We will allow any piece of art to get an interactive webpage with engaging content about this particular masterpiece while super easily accessed at the same time — with a single touch on a smartphone, — comments Pavel Shlapak, CEO of Caer Sidi.

PixEOS idea

PixEOS idea of digitization and provenance of Physical Artworks came true with Caer Sidi partnership. Caer Sidi is providing not only technology to develop NFC kits for artists, but the full support and advice for the best implementation and user-friendly experience. Open-air street art spaces, murals, sculptures will be digitized, showcased, and monetized in the pixEOS Gallery — the use cases are plentiful! This collaboration is going to move existing art-industry upside down.

The next step is B2B market placement — delivering art-tech solutions to the museums, real art-galleries, and even art schools. Branded limited edition phygital art collectibles with NFT distributed ledger immutable provenance will be soon available for the first time in blockchain history, — states the pixEOS team.

Caer Sidi

NFT and NFC technologies together can transform the way people perceive art nowadays!


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