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Free online workshop IRON ROAD SHOW with experts from YellowRockets and JSC Russian Railways starts on May, 18!

Friday, May 15, 2020

From May 18 to 29, IRON ROAD SHOW - a free online workshop for anyone who wants to launch their project at Russian Railways but does not know from where to start, will take place!


Startup Jedi

We talk to startups and investors, you get the value.

As a part of the workshop, the experts of Russian Railways and YellowRockets will talk about the intricacies of startups working with corporations and tell you how to properly adapt a project to the needs of Russian Railways.

Registration is available on the official website of the event:

Within the 2 weeks, the participants of the online event:

  • Will get acquainted with the representatives of the directorates of Russian Railways.

  • Will gain a full understanding of the problems of the holding units.

  • Will receive individual feedback from experts on their project.

  • Will boost their knowledge and skills in formulating hypotheses and value propositions, analyzing the market and competitors, drawing up the onepager of the project and will also learn about existing measures of financial support.

  • Will understand how to launch their first pilot project on the Kuibyshev Railway in the shortest possible time.

According to the results of the workshop, each participant will get:

  • A clear action plan for working with giant corporations, depending on the level of readiness of their own project.

  • Understanding of the necessary tools for launching a pilot with Russian Railways.

  • A full package of documents for work and cooperation with Russian Railways.

In addition, experts will select 10 best projects of the online workshop, which will have the opportunity to perform at a pitch session and get acquainted with the heads of specialized areas of Russian Railways in Moscow!

Participation in the online workshop is free.

Although, you'll need to register on the official website of the program:

15 May 2020


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