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Darya Skorokhod

CMO Startup Jedi, Rocket DAO, President of EYP Belarus, UI/UX Designer.

Professional experience: 4 years



Author's articles

We have prepared for you the final material of this year — the results of the work of our startup ecosystem.
31 Dec 2021
Startup is gaining twice as many upvotes as the nearest competitor.
21 Dec 2021
We are pleased to announce Founders Club 2.0, which is a new wave startup studio within the Rocket DAO ecosystem!
8 Oct 2021
This year 14th (and the most effective one!) Wolves Summit will be held.
10 Sep 2021
Summing up for our celebration
13 Jul 2021
We've prepared our TOP 10 summer news of Startup Jedi for you!
23 Sep 2020
Startup Jedi launched its own TikTok channel. Why and what is its concept? Let's talk about everything step by step.
10 Sep 2020
Today is a big and exciting day for us - Startup Jedi turns 1 year old!
11 Jul 2020
We are happy to share that Starta Venture became one of the members of!
25 May 2020

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