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Angelina Dmitruk

Translator's articles

2up and Powder startups are on the air! What are they notable for?
13 Feb 2021
TikTok's competitor Kuaishou is the largest IPO since 2019
5 Feb 2021
Latitude, developing AI-games with infinite storylines, raised $3.3 M of investments
5 Feb 2021
Today we are launching Invest Bot — a chatbot in Telegram which will help you start a collaboration with the Rocket DAO ecosystem
21 Oct 2020
Today we will dwell on KISS — one of the most popular startup financing instrument by 500 Startups
21 Sep 2020
Today we will analyze the key trends of the venture market over the recent years with Yury Shlaganov
26 Mar 2020
The first "portfolio" project of Rocket DAO attracted first investments. What makes the startup attractive for investors?
7 Feb 2020
the The first-ever in the world audio application for yoga-practicing which uses neuro networks and computer vision technologies.
3 Dec 2019
How to create a project on the base of new economy and to develop company, when you don't have any resources?
15 Aug 2019
"Practically anything can be uberized today. This is a (dying) trend for investors." - Dmitry Demidenko, Skif Ventures.
1 Aug 2019
At a certain step of the projects' development practically all founders think about attracting external expertise and assistance.
19 Jul 2019
Company's CEO Dmitry Dudin and Marketing manager Elena Barkovskaya share their insights and success secrets.
16 Jul 2019
Who should you turn to for financing, what amount of money should you ask for? Let’s find out.
4 Jul 2019

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